However, for the purposes of this article and to keep things simple, I will only be looking at emulating an Apple II+. MAME is quite remarkable in the number of systems it can emulate, as a result some of the concepts can take a little time to get used to, and configurations can take some time to perfect. To get a true emulation of the Videx card, it seems the only emulator to use on MacOS is the cross platform MAME software. Whilst I can heartily recommend this emulator, for me at least, the inability to accurately emulate the Videx Videoterm 80 column display has been a serious problem. In the article, the emulator described was the Virtual ][ emulator ( ). The article 6502 Cross Assembly for the Apple II using MacOS, describes, as the titles suggests, how to use a modern text editor, cross compiler and Apple II emulator for developing software for the Apple II using MacOS.